Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just Let Your Soul Glow!

   True beauty has lost it's meaning in this world of material things and false images of what it should be, its like people these days are more worried about the material things in life and not whats on the inside. I find it sad to see young women today walking around weaved up, super long eye lashes, and the less clothes on as possible. It should not be the less clothes equals the most guys. If you want to find love find it in yourself, not through trying to dress slutty so you can get a guys attention or heart. That attracts the wrong kind of attention and it'll get you their "heart" for as long as they get what they want. If you dress like a stripper/hooker boys will treat you that way, but if you dress like a lady you will get the respect you want.With the guys it's the more snapbacks, cargos, Jordans, and Chucks, its like modern day guys motto is " the more swag I "wear"(having swag is a different thing)is the more girls I attract". People try being yourself and try to be your own trend setter instead of following what everybody else wears because thats not having style it's being a follower. True beauty is beauty inside and out without all those material things. If  you can attract a person by being yourself and having your natural looks, 9 out of 10 times that person is worth having around. Being beautiful or handsome doesn't matter if you're only on the inside. After all it is on the inside that count (Just let your soul glow!!!).

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