Sunday, April 19, 2015

Signs it's Time to Close the Door

     Ladies, some times it is really hard to let go of some one who you've invested a lot of time,

feelings and effort into. We see red flags but yet  we ignore them thinking that things will get

better...most of the time, we end up regretting these things later on. Some times you just

don't want to see the signs, so I've composed a list of signs that it is time to close the door

 and move on to other things.

  1. You do not see Christ in his life and or way of living. It's very important to walk with someone who has the same goals or the equivalent of you, but we often forget that it is also important to have someone with the same spirituality.
  2. His words doesn't match his actions. Say bye to smooth talk.
  3. You constantly have to double text him. If he's not showing equal interest, move on.
  4. His goal do not match your goals and or he does not know what to do with his life.
  5. He does not call you.
  6. He only wants to see you at night and never takes you on dates.
  7. You support him but he doesn't support you in the things you do.
  8. It doesn't seem as if he has intentions of putting a title on what you both have.
  9. It's been some time and he doesn't know where you both are or where you two are heading.
  10. He gives more attention to other girls than you.
  11. He goes four or five days without talking to you, often.
  12. He doesn't encourage you and belittles you.
  13. He tries to pressure you into doing something you are not ready for.
  14. Things aren't mutually beneficial, you find yourself constantly on the giving end.
  15. He doesn't acknowledge you in public.
  16. If he tries to have sex on the first night of hanging out...its obvious what his intentions are.
  17. Its been 6-8 months and you still haven't met his family.
  18. He lies a lot.
  19. You make constant sacrifices for him, yet he doesn't make any for you.
  20. After hearing about him and or meeting him, your friends do not like him and neither do your parents.
  21. You both constantly argue.
  22. You can't see yourself building a future with this person.
  23. He says that he misses you but doesn't make an effort to see you.
  24. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT LIST ITEMS THAT MAY HAVE YOU BEING STRUNG ALONG...He is inconsistent, he only does enough to keep you with him and to hold your interest.
  25. He continuously avoids telling you where you stand with him or if you have potential.
      When you really like someone, it gets extremely hard to see these signs but it is very

important to know your worth and move on to better things. If you never close the wrong

 door, then the right one will never be opened. You have to respect yourself enough to walk

away from anything that will not help you grow or elevate you towards your goals.

 There's this great quote that I constantly hear and its this:

       "You deserve to be happy, not in the arms of someone who keeps you waiting but of someone who wants you now, love you forever & never leaves."


  1. I really enjoyed reading this article! I'd love to see more!

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate that! I'm looking to write more soon, do you have any ideals on topics?
