Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Mr. Right versus Lemons

1. the yellowish, acid fruit of a subtropical citrus tree, Citrus limon.
2. the tree itself.
3. lemon yellow
4. Informal. a person or thing that proves to be defective, imperfect, or unsatisfactory; dud:
His car turned out to be a lemon.

Listed previously, is the dictionary definition of a lemon and a brief list of ways a lemon can be defined. Number four on the list comes the closest to MY definition of a lemon.

In other words, a lemon is a guy who seems to be a great but actually turns out to be a complete turd/jerk. He's nice and shiny on the outside but proves to be sour and lacking in luster on the inside.

     I've had many encounters with countless amounts of lemons. These many encounters have led me to the following realizations:

     1. If someone is not right for you, then they are not right for you. It's impossible to change the way people are and if you continue to force something with someone then you will fall deeper into unhappiness. No matter how many times your lemon apologizes for his actions, nothing will ever change.
     2. The right one will find you.

     3. It did not work out for a reason. It was not meant to be and holding on to the wrong person will just stop the right one from coming along.

    From these realizations, encounters and experiences with lemons, I've decided to compose a list of things that will be apparent in your Mr. Right. Furthermore, in order to find Mr. Right you must focus on your relationship with Christ and on personal growth. Mr. Right may not be ready yet, he may be working on the same things you are.

     When it is time, he will come around but you have to stop entertaining the lemons! I honestly can admit that I am not ready for Mr. Right, there are a lot of things that I need to work on to be a better me.


**Note for the following: I am not saying Mr. Right will be perfect by reason of the fact that we are all human but he will definitely prove he's the one every day of your life and carry out the following. That's what separates boys from men and lemons from gentlemen.**

1.His intentions will be made clear from the beginning. He won't keep you guessing about where you two are and if you are talking or dating. You will know what you two are trying to accomplish.

2, He won't bring up sex early, pressure you into sex or bash your wishes to wait. I was once told, "You would be the perfect girl for me if you had sex, don't get me wrong you're perfect." #TROLL

3.He will take you out on dates like a true gentleman. He won't constantly just try to "chill" with you in the comfort of your home or his. Even if you two do "chill", he will be respectful of your space, treat you like a lady and not inappropriately grope you. 

4. He won't make you feel self conscious. He wouldn't constantly try to point out things about you that make you not feel good about your self. Mr. Right will appreciate your beauty for what it is.

5. He will be respectful to all women. Pay close attention to the way he treats other women and what he calls other women. If he doesn't treat other women well then the chances are that he doesn't know how to treat a lady.

6. Boys will be boys but he won't over do the swearing because he will want to be as respectful as possible around you.

7. He will help you grow as a person and will walk with you in the life of Christ.

8. Your flaws will be outweighed by the good things you have going for yourself and he will accept you for who you are without trying to change you.

9. Mr. Right will be emotionally stable. No comparing you to his ex, no jealousy, he won't be controlling and he won't try to make you feel bad for not doing something that he wants. He will respect your wishes.

10. He will be loyal and not talk to other girls, Mr. Right will just try to build up a relationship with you. Curving will be his hobby.

11. This may seem small but he will open the door for you and do other chivalrous things that men are supposed to do. 

12. You won't have to pressure him to meet his parents.

13. He will not try to hide your relationship or that you are dating. He will be proud that you are his girl and he will want to show it. Although he will be proud to let people know what it is between you two, what you do with your Mr. Right won't be a broadcast to his friends...If you know what I mean ladies.

14. You won't have to constantly go out of your way to ask him to hang out with you and you won't constantly have to double text him. Mr. Right wants to be around you.

15. Mr. Right will listen to you and remember the things you say.

16. Mr. Right will tolerate your friends because he's so into you and he would want to make you happy. Your best friend will like your Mr. Right.

17. He will be supportive of you, attend your special events and encourage/try to help you reach your goals.

18. Mr. Right will be consistent in all that he does.

19. You will feel safe with Mr. Right.

20. He will make you happy and you can be yourself with him.

21. He will be hard on you/push you because he wants you to reach your potential.

22. If you have a great relationship with your dad or grandfather, then your Mr. Right will most likely exhibit their awesome traits because it's things you've grown to look for. You also won't be afraid to let Mr. Right meet your daddy.

23. Mr. Right won't waste your time. 

24. He won't let other people disrespect you or your relationship with him.

25. Mr. Right will be a good listener.

26. Mr. Right will send you scriptures, cute texts or motivational quotes from time to time.

27. Mr. Right won't make you feel stupid.

28. He will care about your feelings.

29. He will be able to hold intellectual conversations with you.

     There might be other things you all might feel should be on this list ladies, so feel free to comment below. Please share and let me know what you think Someday, Mr. Right will come around and then you’ll realized why it never worked out with anyone else. Mr. Right will complete you and help you to become the woman that God wants you to be. . Be patient ladies, trust in Him and remember to work on becoming a better you. Until then...MAKE LEMONADE.

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